Paling Fence

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Paling Fence

Paling fences are a timeless option that we offer. It is the most conventional style of fencing and is a great option when you’re on a budget. Furthermore, Paling fencing is robust and sturdy against weather and is not noisy in the wind & rain. It absorbs heat and does not reflect and produce heat in your boundary. It is also a great option for privacy as there are no gaps in between the fence and passersby can not easily look into your property. It is great against vandals as palings can be easily replaced, and cannot be scratched or dented. Lattice can be added for extra privacy and heights and other options can be added as timber is more easily modified to your needs.


Height Range

From 1.65 to 2.7metres


Select from your choice of:

  • 125x75mm Mixed Species Hardwood (Class 1 or 2)
  • 120x120mm Dressed Cypress Posts with Pointed Tops (feature paling fence only)
  • Set in 600-700mm deep holes with 10kg cement/soil mix.

Plinth Boards

Select from your choice of:

  • 150x25mm Sawn Treated Pine.
  • 150x38mm Sawn Treated Pine.
  • 200x50mm Sawn Treated Pine.


  • 75x50mm Sawn Treated Pine
  • You may require 3 or 4 Rails – depending on the height of your palings.


  • 150x12mm Sawn Treated Pine Base Palings at 40mm gaps, with 100x12mm Sawn Treated Pine Cover Palings.


Select from your choice of:

  • 90x35mm Treated Pine Gable Capping
  • Handrail Capping.


You can create more height, and add decorative touches to your new Paling Fence.

with your choice of three styles of Lattice.

Select from your choice of:


  • 600mm
  • 900mm


  • 65mm Square Bullnose Lattice
  • 45mm Square Bullnose Lattice
  • Woven Lattice

Please note – Your posts will extend to the full height of your fence, with rail support at the top and bottom of your Lattice sheet.


  • Waterproofing posts, gives you the best in ground rating and increases life of fence & reduces posts rotting from moisture. Strengthening of posts for strong winds.
  • Intermediate plinth supports, bracing the plinth at 1300mm intervals eliminates the movement of palings off the support of the plinth and increases life of the fence.
  • Bugle screws, 90mm galvanized screws for all rail fixings, eliminates movement/twist of rails off the posts.
  • Extra rail – provides a closer fixing for palings (especially if the distance between rails exceeds 620mm)
  • H4 sleepers – 200x50mm, treated for in ground use (sleepers are used for ground indifferences between properties and are fixed with bugle screws).
  • Galvanised steel posts – 65x65mm or 90x90mm

We love detail so please include any measurements, drawings, plans, photos or anything else you might have that will help us get a quote to you.

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